Green Oak Antiques
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Wholesale & Retail Since 1978~~Big Store~~ Big Inventory
Rochester Indiana



We Have:for the unique and adventurous shop, salon, restaurant and
bar owners, greenhouses, garden center and wineries.  We try to have lots of shabby chic and cottage furniture at wholesale prices for you.  We also have lots of Indiana antiques in the rough, cabinets, tables, shutters, old tin, new tin and garden iron.

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~~Cash Wraps ~~ Counters ~~ Big Displays ~~
~~ Big Tables ~~ Stepback Cupboards ~~
~~ Architectural Pieces ~~
~~ Salvage ~~ Lots of big items to build from ~~
~~ Windows ~~ Doors ~~

Counters from $950 to $2200
Tables from $20 to $1500


Green Oak Antiques
3024 S 425 E, Rochester IN 46975

Phone: (574) 223-5702   Fax: (574) 223-4186

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